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CD and Truck Stop Ministry

In March of 2001, Liberty Faith Church began it's Truck Stop Tape Ministry. The first month we put out about 2000 tapes.

When the ministry began, members of the church would distribute tapes to local truck stops and truck stops as they traveled around the country. Our church has several truck drivers and they also distributed tapes as they drove on their routes.

Tapes were duplicated by volunteers from our church. A new message was put out each month.

As things progressed, we started getting request from truckers and individuals from all over the great United States wanting to distribute tapes so we stared mailing tapes to those individuals.

We eventually started making CDs for distribution. CDs were duplicated by our church, but we found we could have them duplicated in St Louis for the same cost and a lot less headache.

Our distribution each month was 5000 CDs and 2000 tapes. Then as CD players became the standard and tapes players more obsolete, we switched to all CDs. At one point we were sending out 7000 CD's, that number has decreased as streaming on-line has become more accessible.

We currently distribute close to 4750 CDs  every 6-8 weeks. CDs are available in the church foyer for church members to take.

Then when we switch over to the next message, the balance of the CDs are mailed out to different truckers and individuals. We have CD boxing before our Wednesday prayer meeting, where volunteers come and box the CDs to send to individuals. Our current mailing list is 37 individuals from TX to PA.


Over 718,000 tapes and CD's have been sent out since we started in 2001, which included 130 messages.

All tapes and CDs are provided free of charge and duplication is encouraged. As of February 2017, we have distributed almost 718,000 tapes and CDs.

2016 Liberty Faith Church * Norwood, MO

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